Take time each day to write something about your life's journey. Reflect daily on that which has meaning for you. There is always something but we often let the little miracles go unacknowledged. Capture them, cherish them and claim them as part of the wonderment of your life ~ Mary Francis Winters

Saturday, 25 June 2016


 The funny thing about wood pigeons is that they don't mind getting wet - in fact, they positively relish it and don't fly for cover like the other less waterproof birds. These two visit our garden regularly and sit on the greenhouse roof for what seems like hours.  If it rains, the harder and stormier the better, it seems - they use it as an opportunity to take a shower, as it were.  Preening and sorting their feathers out ,but the weirdest thing I have seen is the armpit  or wingpit manoeuvre. Lifting each wing in turn and arching it over their back, letting the rain get in there and giving the wingpits a good old wash.  Tweaking a little with their beak, you know, to get the grungy bits out.  Then doing the same thing with the other wing; lift, arch, nibble - till they are satisfied that nothing is lurking under the feathers.  Giving themselves a good old shake - like water off a duck's back.  Till each feather is back in place.  This went on for quite a while - watching the bathing habits of a wood pigeon is fascinating stuff - better than watching the telly. (Sorry, they refused to do the manoeuvre while I had the camera out) I expect they just needed a bit of privacy, and didn't want to be featured on Twitter or some such.

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