Did you find it as funny as I did?
Take time each day to write something about your life's journey. Reflect daily on that which has meaning for you. There is always something but we often let the little miracles go unacknowledged. Capture them, cherish them and claim them as part of the wonderment of your life ~ Mary Francis Winters
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Laughing Fit To Burst ...
When was the last time you had a really good laugh. The sort of laugh that just keeps bubbling up long after the event. Why does something strike you as so funny that just thinking about it makes you start laughing all over again. This happened to me as I watched this video.
Did you find it as funny as I did?
Did you find it as funny as I did?
Sunday, 3 July 2016
The Road to Little Dribbling

I have almost finished reading 'The Road to Little Dribbling' - the first Bill Bryson book I have ventured to read. I do love the fact that he likes England with all its faults and idiosyncracies. I also like his sense of humour, the nuggets of information that I wouldn't have otherwise known, and the way he has imaginary conversations with people and things that annoy him. I would never have thought that I would enjoy such a book, but I did - very much - it made me laugh. He seems quite a jolly fellow that I would enjoy sitting next to in a pub and having a good old natter. I just wonder how he finds time to see his family when he is on the road so much; all that walking that he does tires me out just thinking about it.

Saturday, 25 June 2016
The funny thing about wood pigeons is that they don't mind getting wet - in fact, they positively relish it and don't fly for cover like the other less waterproof birds. These two visit our garden regularly and sit on the greenhouse roof for what seems like hours. If it rains, the harder and stormier the better, it seems - they use it as an opportunity to take a shower, as it were. Preening and sorting their feathers out ,but the weirdest thing I have seen is the armpit or wingpit manoeuvre. Lifting each wing in turn and arching it over their back, letting the rain get in there and giving the wingpits a good old wash. Tweaking a little with their beak, you know, to get the grungy bits out. Then doing the same thing with the other wing; lift, arch, nibble - till they are satisfied that nothing is lurking under the feathers. Giving themselves a good old shake - like water off a duck's back. Till each feather is back in place. This went on for quite a while - watching the bathing habits of a wood pigeon is fascinating stuff - better than watching the telly. (Sorry, they refused to do the manoeuvre while I had the camera out) I expect they just needed a bit of privacy, and didn't want to be featured on Twitter or some such.
I am a two-fan woman. I have an upstairs fan and a downstairs fan.
The upstairs fan is hideous - from Greece - a gift.
The downstairs fan is less hideous - from Spain - a gift.
Ever since the menopause my body thermostat has gone haywire.
I have hot flushes even when I am freezing cold in the depths of winter.
I never go anywhere without a fan.
I have a handbag fan too - battery operated.
This morning I put the upstairs fan down on the bed after a 'waffing' session.
I sat on it.
Now the upstairs fan is broken on the end shaft.
Not sure if I will be able to 'waff' with it any more.
It is hideous but useful.
Now I will have to take the downstairs fan upstairs with me.
Most inconvenient.
The upstairs fan is hideous - from Greece - a gift.
The downstairs fan is less hideous - from Spain - a gift.
Ever since the menopause my body thermostat has gone haywire.
I have hot flushes even when I am freezing cold in the depths of winter.
I never go anywhere without a fan.
I have a handbag fan too - battery operated.
This morning I put the upstairs fan down on the bed after a 'waffing' session.
I sat on it.
Now the upstairs fan is broken on the end shaft.
Not sure if I will be able to 'waff' with it any more.
It is hideous but useful.
Now I will have to take the downstairs fan upstairs with me.
Most inconvenient.
I like to do the quick crossword over breakfast to see if I can complete it before I finish my toast. Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
ME: Percussion instrument 4 letters - not DRUM - ends in G.
ME: What's a BONG?
HIM: Singular for BONGO
ME: The answers GONG you idiot
HIM: It could have been BONG
ME: No it couldn't
HIM: A GONG isn't an instrument
ME: Neither is a BONG
ME: Percussion instrument 4 letters - not DRUM - ends in G.
ME: What's a BONG?
HIM: Singular for BONGO
ME: The answers GONG you idiot
HIM: It could have been BONG
ME: No it couldn't
HIM: A GONG isn't an instrument
ME: Neither is a BONG
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
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