"Who knows their own story.
Certainly it makes no sense when we are living in the midst of it.
It's all just clamour and confusion.
It only becomes a story when we tell it.
Our small recollections that we speak again and again to ourselves.
First creating the narratives
Of our minds.
Keeping the story from dissolving.
Into darkness.
All our days are numbered.
We cannot afford to be idle.
To act on a bad idea is better than not to act at all.
Because the worth of the idea
Never becomes apparent until you do it.
Sometimes this idea can be the smallest thing in the world.
A little flame that you hunch over and cup with your hand.
And cannot be extinguished by all the storm about it.
If you can hold on to that flame
Things can be constructed around it.
That are massive and powerful and world-changing.
All held up by the tiniest of ideas.
In the end I am not interested in how much I fully understand.
The words I have written over the years are just a veneer.
There are truths that lie beneath the surface of the words.
Truths that rise up without warning like the humps of a sea monster.
And then disappear.
To create a space where the creature can break through what is real and what is known to us.
This shimmering space where imagination and reality intersect.
This is where all love and tears and joy exist.
This is the place.
This is where we live."
~ from 20,000 days by Nick Cave
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