I slept with the window open - the day had been hot, the night humid. A moth must have flown in. It landed on my face. I have a thing about moths - a childhood fear. I swatted it away in the dark but it landed on my chest. I lifted the covers and shook them. It's gone, I thought, and drifted back to sleep.
Later I woke and felt its tickling feet and fluttering wings on my stomach - I sat up in alarm and threw the covers back once more to allow it to escape. Uneasy now that it was still entombed under the covers.
I must have drifted off again.
The next morning I looked for evidence of squashed moth - surely it couldn't have survived a night under the covers with me.
There was nothing, no evidence that it had ever been there. No moth dust or squashed wings. Nothing. Had I been dreaming after all.
I check the ceiling - there is a moth up there, wings closed, snoozing - could that be the one that had caused my sleepless night - if so, how did it survive my nocturnal thrashings.
Please don't do it again. My nerves are in shreds.
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