Take time each day to write something about your life's journey. Reflect daily on that which has meaning for you. There is always something but we often let the little miracles go unacknowledged. Capture them, cherish them and claim them as part of the wonderment of your life ~ Mary Francis Winters

Saturday 24 January 2015

September Quote - Susan Hill

From the book Howards End is on the Landing

Now, on a golden day in late September, I took two books out to a deckchair in the garden.  The first apples were thumping down.  The last swallows were dipping and soaring, dipping and soaring over the pond.  A dragonfly hovered, its electric-blue back catching the sunlight.  There had been an early mist and cobwebs draped over the long grass like parasols caught and held on their four corners.  The air smelled of damp earth.